How to Pitch: The Edge

December 06, 2015 Business & Trade Press

Aparajita Mukherjee, Senior Business Editor at The Edge magazine in Qatar, spoke with MediaSource about the magazine, its readership, and what businesses and PRs should consider when looking to get coverage.

Tell us a bit about The Edge. When did it launch and who does it target?
The Edge is a business magazine based in Doha, and was launched in 2009.  It is distributed 11 times a year with information and insight into the latest business trends and market developments in the country and the rest of the world. The magazine targets the business community in Qatar and the rest of the GCC - CEOs, top and mid- level managers, independent business owners, and market leaders.

Which sections do you manage?
All content that gets into the magazine right from the beginning of the book to the back of the book, in addition to overseeing production. Each issue begins with news items and goes on to cover four sectors: finance & markets, energy & sustainability, real estate & construction and technology & communication.

The cover story and one other feature typically deal with an ongoing story that is still developing and has business implications for Qatar and the region. There are two business interviews, two business insights - straight Q&As with less of a business focus, and reviews.

Any advice for businesses on developing a newsworthy angle to their pitch?
To get covered in The Edge, there has to be a compelling business angle to the pitch.

When is the best time to pitch to you?
We are a very deadline-driven publication, and respect it as sacrosanct. Typically, right now for instance, our January issue is pretty much locked for content.

How do you prefer to be contacted by PRs?
By email. If worthy of coverage, we automatically revert back.

Are you open to being pitched on twitter?
Yes we can be, as a magazine via @TheEdgeQatar, though my own twitter handle is for personal use.

What do you think would improve the relationship between PRs and journalists?
Open and honest communication. Timely communication. Respecting deadlines. Not changing timeframes suddenly. Become more publication friendly and less client friendly. Or bring in a better working balance between both.


