Dubai Parks and Resorts appoints SOCIALEYEZ

May 31, 2016 Media Moves

Dubai Parks and Resorts has appointed SOCIALEYEZ as its social media agency.

The Dubai-based agency will handle social media activities, monitoring and listening, as well as content creation for the theme park destination, which is scheduled to open in October.

Vinit Shah, Chief Destination Management Officer at Dubai Parks and Resorts, said: “Our partnership with SOCIALEYEZ comes at a strategic time as we shift the focus of our communications from construction updates to announcing the installations of our exciting rides, shows, attractions and retail offerings.”

Fadl Al Tarzi, CEO of SOCIALEYEZ, shared his excitement on the account win.

“This is undoubtedly spot on the kind of account we love to work on at SOCIALEYEZ,” he said. “Working with Dubai Parks and Resorts will bring out the best of our team, we expect the account to leverage almost every part of our agency’s offerings from creative content to video to apps to launch campaigns to linking with e-commerce.

“We’re truly honoured to be working with such an exciting client, but also one that is of strategic importance to Dubai’s current and future tourism sector.”