Frequently asked questions about job posts

Yes - 100% free - there is no charge for promoting a job vacancy on our site.
We only accept job posts for journalism, media sales and public relations industry roles in the MENA region. The job details must be hosted on your own recruitment site (or a 3rd party site like Linkedin).
Your name and email address are only used for internal purposes when submitting a job advert in case we need to contact you. Your details will not be included in the job post.
Yes applicants will want to know who they could be working for. If you are a recruitment agency and your client is confidential, you can include your agency name instead.
Job adverts are reviewed by our editors during working hours before appearing on the site. We will notify you by email once your job is live.
Job adverts remain on the site until the closing date for applications. You set the closing date when creating the advert - closing dates must be no greater than 30 days from the submission date.
Please contact us at for assistance.
Yes - please contact us at for assistance.
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